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Project detailing

Bidders proposal evaluation and OEM selection, Design Review, Inspections and Tests

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The BID phase is a critical path to the project and requires strong leadership together with a team of experienced and qualified professionals. ETM offers the expertise, experience and reputation of its team to participate and even lead the technical evaluation, as well as support the commercial negotiations. Eventually, ETM issues a report with the technical limitations and benefits of each proposal, considering the long-term consequences for the project life cycle.

Detailing design Review

The detailed design phase is an opportunity to check all the preliminary assumptions, now with a rigorous approach. The revised process simulations often result in changes in the original basic design requirements, new process conditions, changes in gas composition, and new pressure ranges. ETM offers the expertise and experience to evaluate the new requirements and make the right decisions, minimising or even avoiding impacts on the project schedule and costs.


Other dilemmas for turbomachinery users are: what API and ASME requirements should be selected to minimise risk at the lowest possible cost? Are mechanical acceptance and performance testing sufficient? What about full load tests? Does the possibility of early failure detection justify the cost? How many units should be tested? ETM team has in-depth knowledge and experience of the mechanical, rotodynamic and thermodynamic behaviour of the equipment to be inspected and tested. We have developed alternative, state of the art technology, to assess both performance and mechanical response of machinery at the lowest cost for the operator.

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